What To Pack On A Road Trip With A Dog?

What To Pack On A Road Trip With A Dog?

Long road trips are stressful on a human body and mind already. Imagine the toll they can take on a less-intelligent specie. Your dog loves you and is your most devoted buddy. Hence, a smart packing for your dog can go very far in diminishing its tension and anxiety during these long journeys.

Ice Cubes:

For light packing, pack lots of cubes for your dog to swallow. Dogs have higher body heat and no sweat glands due to thick coating of fur. They can get dehydrated easily. Hence, make sure your dog is not parched on the go.


Pack your dog food and other treats, as well as lots and lots of poop baggies. They are essential.

Toys and Clothes:

Pulling a dog out of the comfortable home environment, taking it on an uncomfortable jaunt can be too drastic a change for a dog. Hence, pack its favorite toys; Frisbees and balls, as well as its blankie and sweaters. They will be closest to give it a feeling of home and will regulate its anxiety.

Rubber Toys:

Dogs are indulgent chewers. It is their favorite past time and something which is beyond our understanding. Hence, pack its rubber toys along the way to prevent it from chewing on sticks.

GPS Tracker with Name Tags:

Like your own visa and ID, the dog collar and necessary tags are its identification on the road. Pack two dog collars with a leash, along with reimbursing your subscription for its GPS tracker.

Veterinary Records:

Necessary veterinary and vaccination records are extremely important. Your pet first-aid kit is also a definite keeper.

Car Seat Cover and Belt:

Your car seat cover, dog protection belt and harnesses are another necessary requirement for a trouble-free safe journey with your four-legged friend.

Normal Schedule:

Try to stick to its normal food and sleep schedule and don’t change it because you are on a trip. Try to avoid heavy meals, and indulgent treats. That may render it feeling queasy. If it experiences indigestion, give meal breaks of 4-6 hours.

Dog-Friendly Accommodation:

Before going on to any destination, do your research on the route you will be taking and the destination. Find dog-friendly hotels and accommodations on the way prior to your journey and pack necessary medicines for your dog. Just like we pack cough syrups and undergo vaccination, get your vet to write you prescriptions for any possible parasites abounding in that particular area; like certain tick and insect medications as well as vaccines.

Balls to play Catch:

Dog is innately an aggressive creature and needs lots of exercise. But, when you are on a road trip, it is looming that you ignore the necessary workout regime of your dog. This may result in an extremely restless dog and may make your trip extremely unpleasant and noisy. Hence, pack lots and lots of balls and play catch with it at every step possible to avoid it.


The road trip can prove to be a valuable time that you train your dog to be disciplined. Buy the infamous “clicker” to make it learn its sound and respond at every other stop. You may return home with a pet that may never need a harness to control.
Make your trip a beautiful bonding opportunity with your canine friend and you will not regret it.


·         DeBara, D. Essential Checklist for a Road Trip With Dogs. Retrieved from https://www.petmd.com/dog/care/essential-checklist-road-trip-dogs
·         WELLS, A. (2015). 10 Items To Pack For A Road Trip With Your Dog. Retrieved from https://www.thedodo.com/dog-road-trip-1154766515.html
